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what is

Alethes Church Network exists to promote faithful churches that affirm the truth in relation to the most prominent issues facing the church, within and without. We are churches that decided to stand together concerning the matters we believe all faithful churches must affirm.


We are a resource for faithful believers to identify compatible churches they may attend in their area. Scroll down to see what Alethes churches affirm, find churches that officially agree with Alethes affirmations, or add your church to the Alethes network.


Alethes churches:

  1. Affirm the inerrancy of scripture in the original autographs, and the authority of scripture as the Word of God, so churches in our network:

    • Use scripture alone or as primary for instruction and practice in the church

    • Affirm The Apostles Creed as an expression of the Church’s understanding of the faith once delivered to the saints.

    • Assure all Bible study/small group leaders to have good understanding of scripture

  2. Affirm and defend biblical marriage between one man and one woman for life, so churches in our network:

    • Support traditional marriages with full fervor and resolve in the Holy Spirit

    • Oppose same-sex unions of any kind and require separation/repentance

    • Oppose co-habitation of unmarried couples and require separation/repentance

    • Oppose divorce except for sexual immorality/adultery, abandonment or abuse.

    • Will not host, nor its clergy conduct weddings for unjustly divorced* persons

  3. Affirm and celebrate biblical understanding of gender, so churches in our network:

    • Affirm two genders, male and female

    • Oppose gender change for any reason

    • Regard gender dysphoria as sinful and require repentance

  4. Affirm the value of each human life from conception to death. So churches in our network:

    • Affirm and teaches the value of human life

    • Oppose abortion at any time

    • Require repentance of women or men pursuing or pressing for abortion

  5. Affirm the complementarian view regarding the roles of men and women, so churches in our network:

    • Teach complementarianism in the pulpit, classrooms and small groups

    • Allow men only to occupy the role of pastor(s) or elder(s); and to preach to the congregation at-large

  6. Affirm meaningful membership in the local church, so churches in our network:

    • Teach about faithful and fruitful church membership

    • Expect faithful participation of all able members

    • Diligently seek to bring about repentance in non-participating members.


* Regarding unjust divorce, in Matt. 5 and 19, and Luke 18, Jesus said that an unjust partner in divorce who remarries is committing adultery. Deut. 24 calls a remarried person defiled. In 1 Cor. 7 Paul instructed divorced persons to remain unmarried.

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add your church

If your church has officially agreed to (1) join Alethes, (2) add the Alethes affirmations to you church website*, and (3) publish the Alethes affirmations at least once for your Sunday morning congregation to receive,*, please complete the form below.

*No attribution or link/URL is required

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